Ben Harris

Ben Harris

Heyo, welcome to my portfolio and blog. Thanks for visiting!

I'm a software developer and aspiring entrepreneur. Right now, I'm getting a Master's in Computer Science at Rice University. Lately, I've gotten really interested in Web3 so HMU if you're into that too.


For a formal writeup, check out my resume.

-- Work --

Enterprise Engineer Intern @ Facebook

Austin, TX | June 2020 - August 2020

Created new quick-select option for commonly used attachments in the invoice resolution tool’s email feature. Synced files changes from Google Drive shared folder to internal database via recurring PHP Script. Displayed categorized options via dropdown and attached data to email upon selection in React frontend. 1 of 3 interns chosen to present their project at quarterly enterprise engineering meeting attended by 200+ employees.

Software Engineer Intern @ Babylon Micro-Farms

Charlottesville, VA | June 2019 - August 2019

Implemented 150+ tests on a Django Rest Framework API (raising code coverage from 3% to 70%). Researched data generation methods for Django testing; built robust, interconnected factories with the Factory Boy package to instantiate model instances; and developed BASH scripts for virtual environment management.

-- Education --

Master's from Rice University

Houston, TX | August 2021 - May 2021

I'm sticking around for another year to get a Master's in Computer Science.

Bachelor's from Rice University

Houston, TX | August 2017 - May 2021

Majored in Computer Science and minored in Physics.


Deep Speech Recognition

Python, TensorFlow

Trained a neural net to identify 10 keywords in speech at 92% accuracy.

EZ PowerPoint

Python, Flask, NLP, HTML, CSS, JS

Website where you upload text files to receive PowerPoint summaries.

RL Trajectory Optimization

Python, TensorFlow, OpenAI Gym

A novel approach to determining flight paths for interplanetary travel.

Superconductivity Classification

Python, TensorFlow

Used chemical composition to classify superconducters at 96% accuracy.

Personal Website

JavaScript, React, Next.js

Just a simple site to share my projects and thoughts. You're looking at it rn!

PID Motor Control

Arduino, SolidWorks, Processing

A little box with a mounted motor that could adjust for physical interference.

3D Printed Airplane


Modelled a 3D-printed plane based on a model styrofoam plane.

Robotic Hand


Designed a humanoid hand with an opposable thumb and wrist.



Hit me up! I'm always down to collaborate and meet interesting people.